My name is Caroll Buitrago-Long. I was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia. I am an enthusiastic Latina woman who believes we can and should raise our children to be bilingual while enjoying the process.
In this blog I will share some things I feel passionate about:
- Education and Self-education
- Leading and educating our kids by living and exploring
- Igniting in our children a love for learning through good books and Living Books!
- Experiencing God’s love through the enjoyment of His creation
Looking beyond your own horizons
“The question is not, — how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education —
but how much does he care? and about how many orders of things does he care? In fact, how
large is the room in which he finds his feet set? and, therefore, how full is the life he has before
― Charlotte Mason, School Education: Developing A Curriculum