I hope we can all agree on one thing when it comes to abortion, that it is not a positive thing. One side of the issue says it is “wrong,” while the other side doesn’t say it is “right,” rather they say, “it is our right.” It is an unwinnable argument that...
A Thousand Deaths of John the Baptist
Sometimes, as believers who boldly stand for their faith, we can come to see ourselves as John the Baptist, stuck in the movie Groundhog Day, where life seems to be a constant circle of feeling the same defeat and asking the same questions. John the Baptist...
On this Day in History…
Jesus ate the last supper with His disciples.Jesus washed His disciples’ feet in an act of humility, servitude, and love.Judas, a disciple of Jesus, departed from them to set up his betrayal of Jesus.Some of Jesus’s most...
Don’t Talk to Strangers – The World’s Teachings vs. Biblical Teaching
Don’t talk to strangers is one of the most popular, and believed to be, one of the best pieces of advice this world can give to you. Whether you are 30 years old and walking the streets of Brooklyn, or 5 years old and hanging out at the neighborhood monkey bars,...
Pharisees and False Prophets
In the Old Testament false prophets were rampant, and their mission was to tell the people what they wanted to hear. They wanted to be liked and non-offensive. They sowed seeds of peace and contentment, regardless of the condition of the people or the...
Coming Soon – Album Release
Chris' CD launch Party. Check here for more information coming soon.
“What do you think about abortion?” someone asked
Someone once asked me, “What do you think about abortion?” When I think about abortion I think of desperation and fear When I think about abortion I think of sadness and pain When I think about abortion I think of death and destruction When I think about abortion I...