Why Don’t I Send My Kids to a School?

Why Don’t I Send My Kids to a School?

That is the question I ask myself every time there is frustration during a day or I am simply tired of giving and giving. But the truth is I would not have it any other way. I think homeschooling is going back to the organic and original plan of God to educate our children by loving them, showing them how life at home is and also learn from the ugly of ourselves to change and ask for God’s help even more.

It all started when I was pregnant and the choice of school was a big deal for me since I did not want my child to go to public school. However, we finished sending her to a special Spanish Immersion program within the walls of a public school and that day there was no peace in my heart. Then, I started volunteering to read books in Spanish to the kids, and I noticed two things: the children were not even learning or having enough input of basic Spanish words, and second, I noticed their teacher looking at me in a displeasing way. She did not like me, period! So much, that she asked me that if next time I could come back and just work individually with each kid for literary proficiency. HELLO? Isn’t that your job?

Quite frankly, I witnessed the level of education and attention these kids were getting.

Something About Me

Something About Me

Caroll Buitrago-Long

My name is Caroll Buitrago-Long. I was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia. I am an enthusiastic Latina woman who believes we can and should raise our children to be bilingual while enjoying the process.

In this blog I will share some things I feel passionate about:

  • Education and Self-education
  • Leading and educating our kids by living and exploring
  • Igniting in our children a love for learning through good books and Living Books!
  • Experiencing God’s love through the enjoyment of His creation

Looking beyond your own horizons

“The question is not, — how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education —
but how much does he care? and about how many orders of things does he care? In fact, how
large is the room in which he finds his feet set? and, therefore, how full is the life he has before
― Charlotte Mason, School Education: Developing A Curriculum

Welcome to Live and Love Learning

Welcome to Live and Love Learning

After earning 20 years of experience in bilingual education, I met Ms. Charlotte Mason, who
recorded her teaching experience and method at the end of the 1800’s. Ms. Mason put into
writing the theories that I am using to teach my kids in our home school, which flip traditional
educational methodologies on their head.

Charlotte Mason made me fall in love with education again.

Con mas de 20 años de experiencia ensenando lenguas extranjeras, mi concepto sobre educacion
cambio el dia que escuche sobre Charlotte Mason. Ella, dedicada a educar niños, plasmó su
experiencia y filosofía al finales del siglo XIX Charlotte Mason hizo que me re planteara el significado de la educación y me de lo que querír para mis hijos.y en 6 volumenes escribió sus conclusiones sobre
una educación viva y hermosa que ahora uso con mis hijos en casa y que te podrían servir a tí
tambien aún si tus niños van a la escuela o mejor, si no tienes niños aún.

Charlotte Mason hizo que me re planteara el significado de la educación y me de lo que querír
para mis hijos.